These instructions are compatible with both Java and Bedrock and will guide you to a step by step process of installing a world to Minecraft. If it still doesn't work, follow the guide below. If it didn't automatically open, select Minecraft if asked. MCWORLD is just a special file extension optimized for Minecraft Bedrock. mcworld simply by changing the extension. Just double click it and it will automatically open in Minecraft. It should also have a Minecraft icon in it.

The talk page may contain suggestions.īefore anything else, download your chosen world with a web browser. However, Minecraft’s own random generation can often produce extraordinary worlds, all without player input.Please help in the expansion or creation of this article by expanding or improving it. Players can also try the best seeds from previous Minecraft versions even though terrain generation can change between updates, it’s worth trying them.

These are some of the most unique seeds players can use to generate worlds in Minecraft 1.20. There’s also a woodland mansion close by at (-6083, 65, -5007) players can explore. Players can also mine for minerals and catch and breed Minecraft’s Axolotl mobs. However, it’s well worth the effort as it’s a highly unusual terrain feature. Unfortunately, players will need to travel a great distance to (-5929, 65, -5113) to find it, since this unique terrain feature doesn’t appear at spawn.

Discovered by Reddit user u/JVFA5GCGWF, this seed generates a giant Lush Cave biome with an abandoned mineshaft that’s also open to the sky: an extremely rare find.